FSC® Certified Printer & Chain of Custody

Nets Printwork obtained the FSC® certificate since January 2011.

FSC® Certified Printer
We obtained the FSC® certificate since January 2011. We had being audited on yearly basis to ensure we conform to the FSC® Chain of Custody international standard. Now that we are armed with the certification & FSC® Certified Printer. We are ready to approach global brands and support our clients who are targeting international market.
We work with various FSC® certified paper external providers to maintain the chain of custody as well as to offer more paper choice for our client to match with your print budget.
About FSC®

To learn more, visit

FSC® Chain of Custody
FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC) certification verifies that FSC®-certified material or FSC® Certified Printer has been identified and separated from non-certified and non-controlled material as it makes its way along the supply chain, from the forest to the market.
FSC® Label
More than just a label
FSC®’s “tick tree” logo is used to indicate that products are certified under the FSC® system such as paper printed using FSC® Certified Printer.
The FSC® label offers a credible link between responsible production and consumption, enabling consumers to make socially and environmentally responsible purchasing decisions.

FSC® Labelled Paper Product
By choosing FSC®-certified products, you are supporting responsible management of the world’s forests. Please choose to print with FSC® certified printer.
You can select the paper type with us and proceed to eco offset printing or eco digital printing that use FSC® Certified Printer.
Sample of FSC® Labelled Paper Product

The FSC® Advantage

As the world’s most trusted sustainable forest management solution, and most robust and rigorous forest management certification, FSC® certification can help your business with improved efficiency, market access, add value to products, getting ahead with timber requirements, meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (including SDG13 Climate Action), and more.
If you are looking to obtain the FSC® certificate
Please contact our consultant at
or to attend training at
FSC Training